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《死亡诗社》知识点 1 Words: 1. fervent: having or showing very strong feelings about sth. 热情的,热切的,热烈的~belief 热诚的信念 2. replacement: a person or thing that will take the place of sb./sth. 接替者,代替物;替换,更换 3. thrilling: 令人激动的;令人毛骨悚然的;震颤的 4. sinus: one of the spaces in the bones of your face that are connected to your nose 鼻窦~infection 鼻窦感染 5. vaporizer: a device that vaporizes substances, esp. for medicinal inhalation 喷雾器 6. stiff: not relaxed or friendly; formal 拘谨的, 一本正经的; 僵硬的; 不易弯曲的; 难以应付的 7. slick: clever at persuading people but perhaps pletely honest 圆滑的,花言巧语的 ravesty :a grotesque misrepresentation or imitation 滑稽模仿;歪曲,嘲弄 9. decadence : behavior, attitudes, etc. that show low moral standards 堕落;颓废 decadent a. 堕落的 10. excrement : the solid waste material that you get rid of when you go to the toilet 粪便 faeces 【同义】 11. flunk: to fail (an examination, etc.) 通不过(考试等) 12. bootlick: 巴结,奉承 13. valedictorian: N. Amer. A person who gives a farewell address, esp. the highest-ranking member ofa graduating class 【北美】致告别辞的毕业生代表 14. trig: colloq. trigonometry 【口】三角学 15. trigonometry 三角学 16. rich: (of an incident or assertion, etc.) highly amusing or ridiculous; outrageous ( 事情或声明等) 滑稽可笑的,荒唐的 17. phalanx: a set of people etc. forming pact mass, or banded for mon purpose 密集的人群;(为共同目标)聚集在一起的人群 18. pubescence : the time when puberty begins 青春期开始时期 19. daring: adventurous, bold; prepared to take risks

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  • 页数5
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  • 上传人63229029
  • 文件大小67 KB
  • 时间2017-05-12