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行千里路,读万卷书。 Every man is the architect of his own fortune. 自己的命运自己掌握。 There is kindness to be found everywhere. 人间处处有温情 The more wit, the less courage. 初生牛犊不怕虎。 The fox preys farthest from home. 兔子不吃窝边草。 There is no royal road to learning. 书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。 The fire is the test of gold, adversity of strong man. 烈火验真金,艰难磨意志 The finest diamond must be cut. 玉不琢,不成器。 Things at the worst will mend. 否极泰来。 Where there is life, there is hope. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧 The best hearts are always the bravest. 无私者无畏。 ess belongs to the persevering. 坚持就是胜利 Seek the truth from facts. 实事求是。 Respect yourself, or no one else will respect you. 要人尊敬,必须自重。 Put your shoulder to the wheel. 鼎力相助 Pull the chestnut out of fire. 火中取栗。 Prevention is better than cure. 预防胜于治疗。 Prefer loss to unjust gain. 宁可吃亏,不贪便宜。 One hour today is worth two tomorrow. 争分夺秒效率高。 One man's fault is other man's lesson. 前车之鉴。 One never loses anything by politeness. 讲礼貌不吃亏。 Please the eye and plague the heart. 贪图一时快活,必然留下隐祸。 One's words reflect one's thinking. 言为心声 Overdone is worse than undone. 过犹不及。 One half of the world does not know how the other half lives. 饱人不知饿人饥。 One cannot pull back the clock. 光阴一去不复返。 One cannot make a silk purse out ofa sow's ear. 巧妇难为无米之炊。 Omelets are not made without breaking eggs. 欲有所得,必有所失。 Old love will not be forgotten. 旧情永难忘。 Of es nothing. 无中不能生有。 es from nothing. 无风不起浪. Offence is the best defense. 进攻是最好的防

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  • 上传人875845154
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  • 时间2016-06-16