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on the other hand
I can‟t decide which country to study in. Britain has many universiome but, even so, it ‟s definitely the best way to learn a language.

3. 表达对立的观点
on the contrary
Note: Many students incorrectly think that this means the
Same as “On the other hand.〞 It does not. There are two usages of „on the contrary‟.
The most common meaning is: “That‟s untrue and I‟ll tell
you the true situation.〞 Or, “I disagree and this is what I think.〞
A: “I guess you play a lot of computer games.〞
B: “On the contrary, I rarely play computer games.〞
A: “But it was completely unexpected.〞
B: “On the contrary, it was planned to happen that way.〞
„On the contrary‟ is also used to emphasize a negative thing you just said (or wrote)
Example: “Eventually, I came to believe that I wouldn‟t fail. On the contrary,
I became convinced that I would succeed very well.〞
These beginning words can be used to concede that the other speaker is correct. of course; admittedly; naturally; obviously; clearly; undeniably; undoubtedly

Of course, there‟s always an exception to the rule but, in general, I still stand by what I said.
Admittedly, some people do waste money but I think the majority of people are pretty careful with their money.
after all
Most Chinese people about the age of twenty make their own decisions
about important things in life. After all, they‟re adults at that age.
7. Dismissal of Previous Discourse
anyway = anyhow = at any rate = in any case
Anyway, I eventually got there and nobody noticed that I was late! (After telling a story about being late.)
at least
imagination, creativity and self-expression. As well as that, these art classes provide an opportunity for those who have special artistic talent to become aware of this talent; they might never have known they had this talent if they had never had the opportunity to attend an art c

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  • 页数20
  • 收藏数0收藏
  • 顶次数0
  • 上传人吴老师
  • 文件大小1.55 MB
  • 时间2022-05-17